Final routes.. promise!

Pre Day 1( 34.2 miles)Taking in Dunnet head ( Most Northerly on Mainland )John O'Groats and Duncansby Head ( most North Easterly point on Mainland) then back to hotel. We have this extra day due to Flight being changed to day before it was supposed to be ! Day 1 Dunnet 2 Bora (66.3 miles) Day 2 Bora 2 Fort Augustus (89.0 miles) Day 3 Fort Augustus 2 Crianlarich ( 81.5 miles) Day 4 Crianlarich 2 Irvine (81.1 miles ) Day 5 Irvine 2 Carlisle (100.3 miles) Day 6 Carlisle 2 Blackburn ( 97.0 miles) Day 7 Blackburn 2 Alsager ( 65.1 miles) Day 8 Alsager 2 Tewkesbury ( 90.1 miles) Day 9 Twekesbury 2 Cheddar ( 75 miles) Day 10 Cheddar 2 Great Torrington ( 80.1 miles ) Day 10 Great Torrington 2 Mawnan Smith (87.4 miles ) Final day Mawnan 2 Lands End Via Lizard Point ( Most Southerly point of mainland ( 52.8 miles ) For the eagle eyed amongst you adding up the mileage for these days totals 999.9 miles! i'm sure we'll find the little bit extra to take it over the 1000 mark!... what am I saying... I need to go and lay down just thinking about it is making me feel tired

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