60 wet wet miles....

Set off in the rain today and it didn't let up all the way round! My wet weather gear lasted about 2 hrs before they started letting stuff through, mind you on some of the roads it was more like cycling in a river! Then with about 27 miles left to do there was a loud twang from the rear. I pulled up smartish to discover I'd lost a spoke. Well it had snapped and was now fouling the gears. On top of that the wheel was obviously buckled and I had disconnect the rear brake to continue.I had to wrap the broken spoke around a nearby one to stop it rattling about and catching gears etc and then limped the last 27miles home! The wet descents were bad enough with both brakes working, now they were terrifying with only the front one! It was not my touring wheels I had on at the time, I had changed over to the original wheels a few days ago when we had Spring!( well I least i thought it was, 2 day of warmish weather seems to count as a season these days) and forgot this morning to swap them back. Still I made it back safely and in not to bad a time, they say every cloud has a silver linning.... would me nice to be cycling without any clouds for a change, whether silver lined or not.

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