The Final 30 miles

Waking up was really strange this morning. The house was quite and I just lay there thinking '242 miles I've cycled, that's just mad!' 30 left to go.
Tony had said he'd ride with me today to keep me company, which was great . After a bacon bap we set off on a beautiful morning. The rolling countryside just passed me by without incident, as I was too happy to worry about the hills, I just couldn't wipe the great big smile off my face.
The view into St Michael's was utterly amazing and we stopped for coffee to take it in. After this Tony had planned a little trip on a cycle path! Which turned out to be a little more off road than he recalled, all I could think is , please no punctures now. Only 10 miles left. The climb out of Penzance was a still challenge with a great big buzzard, perched watching our efforts.
With only a few miles left to go as we pootled on,I gave Tony a couple of verses of the Flumps song to keep him going. At this point I though I was going to add another item to the I-Spy book.....Tony. some lady bimbled out into the road, in her slippers and nearly took him out....
As I started to freewheel down the final straight I could see Liz, Josh and Tina waving. A tear in my eye waving like a Loony, I came to a stop. I made it. A pop of a cork and the bubbly flowing, we all laughed.
I was just like to thank everyone for all your kind words and well wishes, they really have kept me going.
Was it fun ? I hear you ask..err well no.
Was it enjoyable?...well in places, yes
Do you feel a sense of achievement?...HELL yes, with the exception of marrying Liz and having Josh , Em and Scott, without doubt this is the single most proudest moment of my life .

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