Redruth 2 Lands End update.

Having arrived in Redruth the day before, we spent our evening separately with family, re telling the stories of the trip. Liz asked how my bike had been on the rough roads? I told her I had been amazed,  I'd had no mechanical issues and no punctures at all!
At 09:30 we gathered back at Redruth to complete the final 30 ( I worked out the shortest route the night before) we stepped outside only for me to discover I had a flat rear tyre, serves me right I guess. We set off in glorious sunshine, the weather gods now clearly having given up trying to stop us. We chatted, laughed and cycled through hilly B roads towards Marazion, where we planned to do the last bit of the route on the A30. As we came over the last of the Hilly B raods, there we saw St Michael's mount, a truly spectacular sight in the sun. We had 12 miles to go and pulled in on the beach for a drink and pasty. We were also to call the families and friends to give them an ETA for Lands End arrival, none of which were answering their phones!  Eventually we got hold of them and set off again.  With 7 miles to go the emotion of it all was really getting to me and I kept crying, regularly wiping away the tears, thinking of mum and how proud I was for both of us. This wasn't helped with mine and Colin's families passing us in their cars waving, beeping and cheering. For the first time on the whole trip I dared to believe we were going to make it. As we approached the hill at the top of the final run in we stopped, to just take it all in for a few seconds. As we did the 4 Devon boys were just coming up the hill having finished, which great to see. Colin had been fantastic company and I couldn't have made it without him. Mutual thanks completed we coasted in to wonderful welcome from all the friends and family who had gathered to meet us. We had made it. 1015 miles in 12 days neither of us really able to comprehend what we had done. There was Champagne and a fab chocolate cake made by Sara our friend with a map of the route, brilliant. For me it was, I guess more of a pilgrimage. Has it changed me? I guess it will have but still processing it at the moment and of course I will share my thoughts with you at some future time. There will still be a few more blogs, I intended to do a full map of the route, I'm sure there are bits missed and we plan a list of favourite roads, days, B&B's etc. I guess I will also post a picture of the tattoo! A final thanks to you all for your messages and support, we loved reading them in the evenings and they were a great help. X

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely amazing. Now burn those lycra shorts and never ever buy another pair. Ever.
