Not long now....

Really only got two and a half weeks left of training left! Then it's a case of box the bike up and post it off to the starting hotel a few days ahead of us to make sure it gets there in time! Really getting quite nervous. I will list what I intend to take nearer the time, as have had a few requests about equipment etc. I did a 64 mile ride today with the new tyres on Michelin Lithion 2. I have to say so far been pretty impressed. They roll great and handled the gritty roads today very well, only time will tell. I went a slightly different route today to the left on the South Harting climb 9 road that leads to Chichester. I was having a conversation with a friend at work who said it is possibly a little less hard than going straight up. Well yes I guess it is, a little less steep, what he did forget to say though is it's nearly twice as long! That said the road is super smooth compared to the straight up climb. I then cut back through some single track lanes that were great, quite and beautiful views. These were where the tyres really got tested as there was quite a lot of gravel through the lanes. Well more pummelling tomorrow.... back soon

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