Ban the cycle path..!

A bit extreme you might say? Well let me tell just how dangerous they can be. The first problem is where they are put, generally right next to footpaths. So what tends to happen is people amble along the footpath and then just decide they fancy crossing the line and onto the cycle path. This usually happens when I'm approaching at 20mph, causing me to take sharp evasive action. It's a bit like wandering into lane one of the motorway, you just wouldn't do it would you? Well certainly not without looking, yet they all do it. Then they look at you as if you've tried to run them over! You would think a middle aged man dressed in bright yellow lycra would be easy to see, wouldn't you? Yet it appears to act as camouflage on a cycle path! Next is the dog walker, again I have nothing against them , I have a dog  myself. Yet trying to avoid one darting to and from the hedges in front of you is bloody tricky. That's off the lead, if they've got one of those extending leads, it's like serious garrotting time! I was so nearly taken out by both today! I think I'll take my chances with the traffic, its far safer than taking my chances with the public. LOL

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