A fresh start

Ok, so things haven't gone so well since I finished the Portsmouth - Lands End ride. Nobody had prepared me for the LOW. If you ever undertake an epic event (however epic that maybe for you) BE prepared for the low, that would be my best advice. You get so focused on getting ready, organising everything, the hype before you go, setting off, the efforts involved in the challenges of each day. Then you complete the thing. The pride, relief and joy of it lasts very fleetingly really.... then there is nothing.... a big hole, filled with normal life. Nothing wrong with normal life mind you, it just doesn't do enough to fill the hole that's been left behind. Even though I knew I had to keep on training because of the JOGLE I was planning for. For weeks there was just the numbness and no that wasn't in my bottom! All I'm saying is be prepared, prepare your family to, as they will be wondering why you're not full of beans having completed it ( whatever 'it' was for you ) . Then there was the bad news about mum's terminal cancer, the weather preventing me getting out much, if at all...........

So you say what ya going to do about it? Well I'll tell you what I'm going to do, I'm gunna get off my backside dust off the old Trek 7 speed lead filled bike (well feels lead filled) and get out there and make a fresh start. Can't use the road bike in all this weather at the moment or it'll be wrecked before May. So just over 4 months to get my act together, so as not to let any of you down. Means even more to complete this one now.
Plan to get a full weekly training program in place with Colin first week in January, some spin classes in there i'm sure. We'll let you know what we're up to then. Team photo with our Bowel Cancer tops ( kindly donated ) to follow shortly

As for now? Onwards........ and happy Christmas to you all

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