Imagine my horror!

When I find out, "John O' Groats is the traditionally acknowledged extreme Northern point of Scotland. The actual northernmost point is at nearby Dunnet Head, about 2 miles (3.2 km) from John O' Groats"

I think if you're going that far then Dunnet Head is going to have to be the start point and then onto John O'Groats... isn't it?

I think a slight route change is in order..... "Colin...... I have a cunning plan..."

OK Three options here.

1. Stick with original plan a total of approx 912 miles on the route we set up

2. Start at Dunnet Head  go to John O'Groats plus Duncansby Head ( the furthest point North East from Lands End, only 2 miles on from JOG )  and THEN continue as planned. This would mean a stop at Bora first evening instead of Dornoch. Approx 928 miles
3. As per option 2 but if we do Northerly most point we may as well do Southerly most point  (The Lizard) and then onto Lands End. Adjustments as per option 2 and then instead of last stop being Redruth and a 30 mile last bit to Lands End , it would be last stop at Mawnan Smith (Tina's house, if she'll have us. x) Then a 50 mile last bit to Lands End via The Lizard. Approx 954 miles.

For the sake of an extra 40 miles surely we've got to do option 3 haven't we? then we can say we've done JOGLE AND the furthest North and furthest South points of the UK ( mainland )

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