Randonnee Ups and Downs

Part One Complete...just.
Total miles were 78 inc to and from ferry ports.
I was quite amazed by just how many there were on a wet grey day the 08:00 ferry from Portsmouth was loaded with bikes ( must have doubled the value of the ferry!)
met up with a friend who was happy to come round with me which was great boost to my nerves.
The first check point was buzzing with activity and cards collect we set off . Some of the roads as we went round were pretty poor with shingle and mud on them making any downhill section quite dodgy.
By the time we got to the south coast past Ventnor a few shadows appeared on the road for a few minutes having had rain up until that point. But with the turn onto the Military road came a strong head wind which made for hard going.
Then came the sight I'd been dreading . Until now it had been hilly don't get me wrong but what lay in front of me was demoralising two huge climbs, with little coloured waterproof jackets littering the hillside. Colin who I was with ( and a more experienced climber set off and I told him not to wait, so he set off for the top of the second climb where he said he'd meet me).
The mental challenge in get up the first was bad enough but knowing the second was worse didn't help but as some passed me others gave up and stopped I kept my head down and plodded on determined to get to the top without stopping...... and I did.
A few miles after this the road turned off onto a bridle path ! At the end of which was lunch at Yarmouth. Unfortuantely the path was not kind to me and I had a puncture. This was swiftly repaired along with lunch and we set off on the homeward stretch only to get a few hundred yards to have another flat!. This is a lesson in checking the tyre properly before replacing the tube. Lucky for me Colin had another as I had only brought one. The last 20miles were a struggle but I just kept going and the sight of the ferry port at Fishbourne nearly brought a tear to my eye knowing I had made it. Silly I know as it's just a bike ride but for me it was a lot more than that........
A welcome family and a hot bath was followed by an early bed ready for work the next day....

Total Randonnee mile 69.09
elevation 3681 ft
cycling time 6 hrs33 mins
Average speed 11mph

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